CPC Logistics – Trucking & Warehouse Personnel Services

October 2015 – FALL INTO SAFETY

As the air turns cooler and leaves drop from the trees, it is important to keep a few fall safety tips in mind. With proper precautions and safety awareness, your family can enjoy the crisp autumn weather while avoiding some of the dangers that come with the season.

Get Your Furnace Serviced
Before winter arrives, it is a good idea to call a professional to do your annual furnace servicing now. Your furnace is by far the most important appliance in your home. Have the filters cleaned and replaced.

Fire Safety
When we “fall back” it is time to replace the batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. It is also a good idea to have a working fire extinguisher in the house.  Make sure everyone who lives in the home is familiar with how it works. Hold a Fire Safety Meeting with family members and go over the steps.

Get your chimney inspected every fall. Hire a chimney sweep to clean out your chimney of debris, nests, etc. before you light your first fire.  Use the fireplace screens to protect from flying sparks and embers.